

Politics is such a world where people try their chess, people do politics, but people make their strategy in their own way, the same thing is called politics.Today the biggest work of the world is being possible only because of politics, people are engaged in advancing themselves, that is politics. But in today’s time, what has changed from offline to online in this environment of Corona, it is a particle of politics.

Corona is going through such a time, due to which the whole country is engaged in the same trouble, at the same time offline time was going on among the people, people were much happier than offline offline as if it was a good thing people were busy in their work.  The big strategies of politics were also done well, so people used to like offline very well, in offline people could not take time out from their work, people used to give more time to their work.


Everything got spoiled online, people got away from their work, even though people did not want to run away from their work, the politics of politics turned again. A foundation started falling, only Corona was discussed everywhere, everything started connecting with online politics, whether there was a meeting or anything, it was done online, people were busy in their online time, people were not good at online time. It seems but according to the rule of politics, people started doing wrong things through online, so online is active but not better than offline.


In today’s time, people started having a big strategy of politics from offline to online, so the first thing is not to be online from offline, go from online to offline.

Written by Nilesh pandey

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